About Us
- Multi-Age Classrooms
- Modified Year Round Calendar
- Balanced Instructional Focus
- Staff Philosophy
Multi-Age Classrooms
Students spend two years in one "village" -- with one home teacher, and two partner teachers. Studies show that socially and emotionally, being able to bond with classmates and teachers for this longer time period gives students the security to academically "risk" -- and strive for in-depth goals. The teachers work collaboratively to provide curriculum directed at the learning level of each child. Our classrooms are divided into K/1, 2/3, and 4/5 grades. Kindergarten is also a full day program.
Modified Year Round Calendar
Balanced Instructional Focus
Our goal is to provide each student with a balanced curriculum to meet the needs of 21st Century Learners today. We strive to create classroom opportunities that focus on engaging student creativity, flexibility, initiative and leadership -- and employ project based learning whenever possible. Educational Technology is big at Murdock-Portal. We are constantly looking for ways to integrate technology into the curriculum so that learning remains relevant and student-centered. As a base, we follow CUSD core curriculum -- with all students receiving instruction in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, as well as PE, Computers, Art, and Music -- our classes are organized around flexible student groups to allow students to achieve at their level. Each child, each year, develops an individualized learning plan with his or her teacher. Teachers meet with families twice a year in parent/teacher conferences to review and update learning goals.
Staff Philosophy
At Murdock-Portal, our teachers work together to create a consensus-based learning environment -- which means we discuss and review our school focus on an on-going basis. We strive to create a community that has a family feeling -- and we enthusiastically welcome parent participation! Our home/school communication goal is strong.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support) is our our school-wide behavior system. It is a framework to promote and maximize academic achievement and behavioral competence. It is a school-wide strategy for helping all students achieve important social and learning goals. We know that when good behavior and good teaching come together, our students will excel in their learning. Murdock-Portal Elementary School is proud to be a PBIS school.
As part of the PBIS framework, we have established clear rules for the behaviors we expect in all areas of our school. These expectations are explained in our Behavior Matrix, which you will find in our handbook. We will explicitly teach these expectations to the students and reteach throughout the school year. Our staff will verbally acknowledge students’ appropriate behaviors and acknowledge their behaviors by giving them a Portal Pride Ticket.
The expectations for all student behaviors will be clear throughout our classrooms, playground, lunch tables, bathrooms, Library, and hallways. Our expectations will provide a school environment where more time is spent instructing and less time spent disciplining. By teaching the expected behaviors in a positive way, we are providing a common language for everyone in our school, including students, teachers, and staff. We believe that by helping students practice good behavior, we will build a school community where all students can learn. PBIS is a framework, and one that we will continue to shift as needed to best meet our needs. We appreciate your help, support, patience, and understanding!